
作者:成功大师 | 网站:www.qqzf.cn

1、If he helped me out in training,we would be bottom of the league。如果他(阿布拉莫维奇)在训练场边帮我出主意,我们恐怕会联赛垫底。

2、Everybody wants Chelsea to lose a game。 When they do they should declare a public holiday。所有人都希望切尔西输球,如果我们输了,他们会把那天定为公众的节日

3、God, after god, me。上帝,除了上帝,就是我。

4、We have top players and, sorry if I'm arrogant, we have a top manager。我们拥有最顶尖的球员,在此请原谅我的自大,我们还拥有最顶尖的主教练。

5、As we say in Portugal, they brought the bus and they left the bus in front of the goal励志网http://wWw.qqZf.cN/。按照葡萄牙的说法,他们(热刺)带来一辆大巴,并把他放在了球门前。

6、Pressure? What pressure? Pressure is poor people in the world trying to feed their families。 There is no pressure in football。压力?什么是压力?压力是穷人为填饱一家人的肚子而烦恼。足球毫无压力可言。

7、Look, we're not entertaining? I don't care; we win。我们踢得不够有观赏性?我不在乎,反正我们赢球了。

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